It's been quite some time since I blogged last; 8 months tomorrow, to be exact. I had started this blog back up after a year and was excited to get back into the swing of things but then, lo and behold, I went into labor 6 weeks early!
After my daughter's one month stay in the NICU, getting re-adjusted to a baby on an apnea monitor (my son went home on one as well, even though he was 5 days late!) a move to a new house and just the everyday nitty gritty, it's taken awhile to start blogging again.
But I'm going to try. Again. For what seems like the millionth time.
In the midst of a teething and increasingly more mobile baby girl and potty training an almost three year old boy, I'm going to try to make it on here fairly consistently and share my thoughts on all things that interest me: Christianity, Marriage, Motherhood, Pro-Life issues, Food, Health and Wellness.....or just random things when I really don't have anything to say but feel I should still post something =)
So, this is the beginning of an old blog with a new name: My Mommy and Wife.
I hope you ladies will follow along!
Welcome back! <3