Growing up, mine and Bob's parents made sure we had a new ornament each year.
I'm so glad that they did. It's always a fun trip down memory lane when we decorate our tree. Now, Bob and I enjoy swapping stories about why we received an ornament, or why a certain one is extra special. This year was no different! And to celebrate our first year as parents, I just had to order this cutie!
Bob and I are so excited for our 1st Christmas with Ethan!
This was actually a McDonald's toy. My mom turned some of my favorite ones into ornaments!
Every time I hang this ornament, I get a massive craving for chocolate
(and an overwhelming urge to bite into this chocolatey Santa!)
Bob is a great golfer, so his parents made sure he had a golfing Santa!
Growing up, Bob loved magic tricks. It looks like this Santa has a few tricks in his hat!
One year, a friend and I went around to several houses and sang Christmas Carols. I think we were about 10. We came to one house, and for some reason we got so tickled. We tried to sing Silent Night, but couldn't stop laughing!! I remember the mom and daughter staring at us, with a confused look on their face.
I ended up running off and leaving my friend to fend for herself!
I was humiliated!!!
I grew up playing basketball, so any basketball ornament I have (and I have several) is very special!
For some reason, this is my all-time favorite ornament. There's really nothing extra special about it. I guess this one just reminds me the most of my childhood..and I had a great one.
I believe it's from 1993.Bob and I have many more ornaments. I wish I could show you all of them, but it probably wouldn't be as fun for you as it would be for me! haha.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*~The Reason for the Season~*
"And this shall be a sign unto you;
Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger."
Luke 2:12
Our tree ~ 2009I love how when Bob gets home, he's excited that the lights are on around the house. It's almost a childlike excitement. There's nothing like relaxing together after a long and hectic day, under the glow of a cozy Christmas home!
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
~Burton Hillis~
Lord, we have so much to be thankful for!
Our home, our health, our family, our friends.
But most importantly, we have You:
Our Savior, Redeemer, the Greatest of Friends;
Our gracious, loving, merciful, all-powerful, risen Heavenly Father.
We praise You!!