Thursday, February 4, 2010

Library Love

I have a whole new relationship with the Library these days.

Long gone are the annoying days of walking through the aisles, searching for some weird book I had to do a report over.

I get to choose the books now.

I'm even in the Adult Winter Reading Program (How nerdy is that!?)

I revel in the silence of the Library, because it's a rare commodity these days.

I love how when I check out a book, it kinda gives me the thrill of buying something. We're on a budget, and I need to get my spending "fix" somehow. This is the perfect way!

I totally enjoy crawling into bed with a cold bottle of water and a great novel to read.

I don't, however, enjoy staying up until 4:30am because I just "couldn't put the book down", and still having to wake up when my alarm (aka Ethan) goes off! It makes for one tired mommy.

Yet, I do it all over again the next night.

Library Love.


  1. I haven't been to a library in years! Hmmm...maybe I should give it a try!

  2. I have one down the street and I always say I'm going to visit it. I guess I really need to! :)


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